Mobile Blogging

One, two, testing. This is mobile blogging, wordpress for Blackberry.

Let’s see how this goes. Could be a helluva lotta fun.

Looks a little bit niggly though, with major improvements that can be made.


Samsung Gravity 2 SGH-t469 (T-Mobile)

Samsung Gravity 2 SGH-t469 (T-Mobile)


The Obama Deception

To those who aren’t just “yes men/women” and are open to understanding what really happens  – here is a site to check out

Question Obama


Samsung Jet




..Am writing at too..

Just my mad thoughts as usual..


Absolute Fridaze White Party – Launch Party

Abdolute Fridaze White Party - Launch

Abdolute Fridaze White Party - Launch Party

Come down Birmingham UK, make this a success and Friday’s wont be the same again.

RS VP on facebook here

More to follow.  Its summer – let’s party hard!


Bankrolling Mugabe

Mugabe and Ahmadinejad

Mugabe and Ahmadinejad

To those who missed the Channel 4 Dispatches programme, you can watch it here – only has 22 days left from today.  An indepth analysis of how the Mugabe regime continues to survive despite the mishaps going on, and the truth behing the land reform programme.

Sad story.


The Barack Obama Deception

The Mask is Off

The Mask is Off

Barack Obama.  Saviour of the world or just another muppet? Liar or a dumbass?  Seems most people caught up in the mass hysteria, worshipping this dude and not really questioning what lies beneath..and not really realizing the truth behind the fact that – the New World Order is here.  It’s all just cover face, a sham, a disgrace to a community who do not face reality and just go along with media reports and never really take a moment to question.  Well, at least there is a few out there who do see this for the “saving face game” it is.

Many will question the legitimacy of the dude making the movie, but one can never question the facts that have been brought to attention.  The broken promises, the lies.  When will the world wake up and stop conforming?  You thought George Bush was bad? At least he was a dumbass who had no idea what was going on.  Now as for Mr Obama………………………………..



Department 41

Check out Appreciating good muzik, promotion, downloads..get schooled.


The Game – Better on the Other Side. Michael Jackson Tribute

So much been said and so much is going on and they dont seem to let the brother rest.  So this my final shout out.  You will be its time to let the dude have some peace at last.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson. It’s a wrap!
